Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Plastoids holds a special place in my heart.  It served as a castle and jungle gym to an inquisitive adolescent girl with it's dark tower and crumbling stairways;  now it serves as subject of photography.  Located in a town that used to be a center of industry, the factory sits vacant--a testament to times gone by--when a mill, railroad, and cracker plant kept the community thriving.  The front section of the building was damaged by a fire a few years back and parts of the floor are not sturdy at all. The property is privately owned with plans for redevelopment in the future.


  1. I was just there on Saturday! We didn't go in there or anything because we weren't exactly sure HOW to get in. But we'll be going back when it's nicer out because we want to do a photoshoot in the castle part.

  2. Just a heads up, the cops will arrest you if you are caught. I went with the property owner and the castle itself is pretty run down.
