Thursday, April 12, 2012

Camp Sussex - The Recreation Building

Camp Sussex was a Jewish sponsored camp for city children that allowed them to come up to the country and experience team building and a different way of life.  Located by a lake, it features the standard boys' and girls' bunks, dining hall/kitchen, shower and bathroom combo, infirmary, administration office, theater for stage productions, arts and crafts/recreation building, and an indoor gymnasium.  The camp closed for the season in 2006 and never re-opened, due to lack of funding.  It now sits vacant, slowly rotting back into the very hills that teamed with happy, beaming campers.  I've been photographing Camp Sussex for about a year now, documenting the slow process of decay and vandalism.  Every trip out there brings something new to see.



  2. Left as a warning to others, don't spam this shit.

  3. i drove past yesterday and there where 4 cops there not worth going there
