Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hudson River State Hospital

Sitting high on a hill over looking the Hudson River in upstate New York is the aptly named Hudson River State Hospital.  Opened in 1873, the original state hospital building still stands tall, despite the male ward being stuck by lightning in 2007 and suffering major structural damage.  In addition to the original Kirkbride building, the campus featured a working power plant--as most from that era did, an on site morgue and infirmary, and on site housing for staff.  The majority of old staff housing in severe disrepair.  An additional building, Ryon Hall, was added in 1934 to house the violent and criminally insane.  The Cheney Building was added in 1952 to provide additional patient housing, doctor's offices, and examination rooms.  The Snow Recreation center opened it's doors to patients in 1971.  There, the patients could enjoy bowling, swimming, and socializing.  Hudson River State Hospital closed it's doors permanently in 2003.  Wandering though the campus, one is struck by the sheer size of what was one of the smaller state hospitals.

Snow Recreation Building

Illusion of Safety

The Cheney Building

Staff Housing

Staff Housing

The Kirkbride

The Kirkbride

The Kirkbride

The Kirkbride, en route to the female ward

The Morgue

The Morgue

The Morgue

The Morgue

The Morgue

The Morgue

The Morgue

The Morgue

The Power Station

The Power Station

The Female Ward

The Kirkbride

The Kirkbride

The Male Ward

The Male Ward

The Male Ward

The Male Ward

The Male Ward

The Male Ward

Cheney Hall

Ryon Hall

Ryon Hall

Ryon Hall

Cheney Hall


  1. In another country people would be living and restoring there.
    Here just a waste of resources .

  2. Killer photos! This place was awesome, thanks for taking me along with you!!

  3. Wish I could visit this place. It looks awesome. There is just something I love about old buildings with history behind it.

  4. Do you know which building the morgue is located?
