Friday, June 15, 2012

Rockland Psychiatric Center

Rockland Psychiatric Center is another large, all inclusive psychiatric treatment facility.  Similar to the farm colony style of King's Park, it was designed to be self sufficient.  While a portion of Rockland Psych is operational, a large section sits boarded up and festooned with climbing vines and overgrowth - a testament to the warehousing of psychiatric patients and the mentally unstable.  There is always a chair, so have a seat.

power up.

stay and bowl a frame.

safe haven.


  1. I really want to visit here. Did you have to acquire special permission to take photographs? Because my companion won't come with me for fear of being arrested.

  2. I'm not thinking this is not the result of economic decay as it is the result of breakthrough treatments and education. Both perhaps. In the mid 1800's I learned there was an upsurge to institutionalization due to of all things a bacterial outbreak which left a person with debilitating symptoms. The age of enlightenment had a tremendous impact on attitudes towards mental health.
